Saturday, January 26, 2008

Thought #1 - Freedom of Speech

Freedom of speech.

This is something we hear quite a bit in both Canada and the U.S. Being a citizen of both, I commonly compare the two. Freedom of speech is something highly valued in both nations. A great concept it stresses too; the ability to speak your mind without fear of persecution, being 100% entitled to your thoughts and the expression of them. No one can tell you what to say nor can they stop you from saying it.

But if you really think about it who is going to listen? You could have the world's most awesome plan for restructuring the way a government works but who cares. You're no one. You can run for president to have your voice heard but who has that kind of money? Who would donate the money to you so you can be heard. You're no one remember?

Then along comes the internet. People who wanted their voices heard have a place where people who want to listen are happy to spend time reading their thoughts. Happy to spend time contemplating and responding in a respectful manner so that it doesn't matter if you agree or disagree its really just nice to have a debate with someone or at least know that people are interested in what you have to say.

What am I interested in? Well lots. Politics, Social issues, current events (and I'm a news junkie so I am well informed) and really anything. I plan to put my opinions whenever I feel strongly enough right here in black and white for anyone to read. Comment, discuss, debate or contemplate if you enjoy or feel strongly in the opposite direction or just to let me know you're reading. I welcome any sort of comment as long as its made in a respectful manner.

Even if no one reads, I will continue to write although a little disappointed.

Because sometimes it just feels good to exercise your freedom of speech.

P.S: If anyone knows how to properly work this spell check feature I will be eternally greatful. My spelling is terrible and I can't seem to get the hang of it.


John Placais said...
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John Placais said...

LOL... greatful, I am assuming is an intentional misspell?

As far as Freedom of Speech goes, the Internet definitely allows one to speak their mind. However, with so many minds spewing all at once you just end up with a large bucket of spew.

And then, danger kicks in. Not because everyone is freely speeching, but more importantly because the line between fact and fiction becomes severely blurred.

Let's face it. We are all easily swayed by the details we hear. If enough people on the Internet claim that Obama is dirty for some reason or other, we may begin to believe it, even though zero evidence was provided to us.

So, be careful what you believe...

EDIT: Whoops...

Anonymous said...

You brought up an important point in stating that freedom of speech is great, but that no one is listening to most of us. That is the key problem. Those who disseminate information decide who has a voice and who is silenced, merely by who or what they report on. So the media gives presidents, officials, and other "important people" much more freedom of speech (or more accurately the right to be heard), than pretty much everyone else. And considering that they (and the media) all have their own (usually similar) agendas, they get to frame every issue and debate. And of course who owns the media? Huge goddamn corporations.

kimmycat said...


Who are you :) Its nice to have someone read what I've written and comment on it in an intelligent manner.

More recently, I find that the media while covering this election is doing a terrible job, regardless of the network. How many people are well versed on both of the candidates plans or beliefs? We may be able to skirt the surface but we haven't been repeatedly presented with their stances on many things. Its disgraceful that they keep reporting on who said what about whom and refuse to allow an intelligent election in which the majority of the public is well versed in the positions of both candidates and chooses based on that rather than who they think is most likeable. That would be true democracy.